Our main role as governors of Dr Challoner’s Grammar School is to work with the Head to set the strategic direction and guiding principles of the school. We are also responsible for:

  • Ensuring the quality of the educational provision
  • Challenging and monitoring the performance of the school
  • Ensuring the effective management of the resources, finances, property and employees of the school

As a Governing Body we work at a strategic rather than operational level and discharge our responsibilities through the Head and his Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

Please click here to view the scheme of delegation.

We also provide specialist skills, e.g. financial, legal, project management, Human Resources, to help the Head and his senior team develop the school and to provide support to the teachers and staff.

As Governors, we put the education and welfare of the pupils at the heart of everything we do. We monitor the work, standards and performance of the school and provide a link with parents and our local community. We work together as a group and offer our time and effort on a purely voluntary basis because we are proud to be associated with an outstanding school and are dedicated to its continuing excellence.

Please direct any enquiries to clerktogovs@challoners.org

The Full Governing Body

Members of the governing body are all local people with a strong interest in the school. Over half the governors are current or former DCGS parents.

The term of office of all Governors is four years excepting:

  • The Headteacher

In general Governors are replaced as and when they reach the end of their four year term (shown in brackets). Subject to remaining eligible to be a particular type of Governor, any Governor may be re-appointed or re-elected.

  • Chair: Mr Paul Serkis - Appointed (26 April 2025)
  • Vice Chair: Mrs Alyson Coates - Co-opted (31 August 2026)
  • Vice Chair: Dr Mark Pegg - Co-opted (22 February 2029)
  • Mr David Atkinson – Headteacher (ex officio)

  • Mr Vaughan Atton - Appointed (12 January 2029)
  • Mr Tom Batty - Appointed (12 January 2027)
  • Ms Uschi Baumann - Parent (6 September 2025)
  • Mrs Del Cooke - Co-opted (31 August 2026)
  • Mrs Isobel Darby - Co-opted (8 June 2028)
  • Mrs Alison Davis - Appointed (22 February 2025)
  • Dr Baljinder Dhanda - Co-opted (20 December 2025)
  • Dr Clare Gabe - Co-opted (14 July 2027)
  • Mr Scott Gallagher - Appointed (9 December 2028)
  • Mr Leon Glenister - Appointed (31 October 2027)
  • Mr Jonathan Pearson - Co-opted (27 February 2028)
  • Mrs Jo Royce - Appointed (12 January 2029)
  • Mr Tom Shinner - Appointed (3 November 2028)
  • Mrs Lilla Venning - Appointed (23 October 2028)
  • Mr Colm Walsh - Appointed (12 January 2029)
  • Student observers - Frankie Baxter, Luke Barrington and Kieran Patel
  • Clerk to the Governors - Mrs Caroline Cobb

If you would like to contact the governing body, please email Caroline Cobb (Clerk to the Governors) at clerktogovs@challoners.org

The Members of the Academy Trust:

  • Mrs Carole Bevins
  • Mrs Stephanie Horrocks
  • Mrs Stephanie Hyde
  • Mr Matthew Lawrence
  • Dr Mark Pegg

Please direct any enquiries to clerktogovs@challoners.org

A list of members who have completed their term/resigned in the current academic year are:

Mrs Gabriella Grant (31 August 2024) Mr Andrew Atkinson (31 August 2024) Mrs Katy Munn (23 October 2024) Dr Emma Judge (7 November 2024) Mrs Stephanie Hyde (15 November 2024)

Governors are appointed to the Governing Body via a number of different means:

Appointed Governors are appointed by the Members of the Dr Challoner’s Grammar School Academy Trust.

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body of Dr Challoner’s Grammar School.

Parent Governors are elected by ballot of the parent body of Dr Challoner’s Grammar School.

Student Observers, normally the School Captain and the two deputy captains, are invited by the governing body to attend Full Governing Body and sub-committee meetings in a non-voting capacity.

Whatever their means of appointment, all governors have an equal voice and do not represent any particular group.

Governors' Committees

Much of the regular business of the school is considered by governors in specialist committees which take reports, analyse information, discuss the issues in detail and provide advice to the Headteacher and his staff. They meet each term and report back to Full Governing Body meetings with actions and recommendations.

Historic attendance at Governing Body meetings can be viewed here Committee and responsibility grid