DCGS events for Sep 2024 to Jul 2025

Warning: subject to changes and additions over the course of the year.

September 2024

Monday 2nd

Staff Training Day

Tuesday 3rd

Staff Training Day

Wednesday 4th

Term Starts for Years 7 & 12

Thursday 5th

Term Starts for All Years

Wednesday 11th

Choir Practice

Thursday 12th

Orchestra Practice

Friday 13th

Year 13 Law Applicants Event

Monday 16th

Whole School Photograph takes place

Year 12/13 Geography Visit to Iceland: Parent & Student Information Evening

Tuesday 17th

Year 11 (last year's Year 10) Geography visit to River Chess (Sets 1 & 5) - postponed from July

Year 11 RS Krakow Visit - parent & student information evening

Wednesday 18th

Year 7 Parents at Challoner's Evening

Thursday 19th

School closes at 12:35 for Open Evening preparations

Open Evening for Year 5 and 6 Students (The Headteacher will talk at 17:00; 17:30, 18:30 and 19:00. Tours will be given throughout the evening)

Monday 23rd

Year 7 UKSA Teambuilding Visit 1 (Forms F/H/N) (JGA)

Tuesday 24th

Year 7 UKSA Teambuilding Visit 1 (Forms F/H/N) (JGA)

Wednesday 25th

Year 7 UKSA Teambuilding Visit 1 (Forms F/H/N) (JGA)

Year 7 UKSA Teambuilding Visit 2 (Forms P/R/T) (JGA)

Year 11 'Step Further'

Year 9 'Wize-Up'

Year 10 Visit to Silverstone Interactive Museum

Enrichment Day

Year 8 Visit to RAF Museum, Hendon

Year 12 London Challenge 2024

Thursday 26th

Year 7 UKSA Teambuilding Visit 2 (Forms P/R/T) (JGA)

Year 12 Parents at Challoner's Evening

Friday 27th

Year 7 UKSA Teambuilding Visit 2 (Forms P/R/T) (JGA)

Year 13 Academic Forum at Wycombe Abbey

Sunday 29th

'Footloose - The Musical' Auditions

Monday 30th

Junior Football and Senior Hockey Tour to Holland - Parent Information Evening


Tuesday 1st

Medic Society

Wednesday 2nd

'Footloose - The Musical' Auditions

Thursday 3rd

*postponed* Year 10 Geography trip to River Chess (Groups 3 & 4)

Friday 4th

Year 11 RS trip to Krakow

Year 9 DTP and MenACWY Vaccinations (JBC)

Friends of DCGS Year 7 Parents Social Evening

Saturday 5th

Year 11 RS trip to Krakow

Sunday 6th

Year 11 RS trip to Krakow

Tuesday 8th

MUN Conference, Bede's School, Sussex (Years 9-12)

CRY Heart Screening

Year 12/13 Art life drawing workshop

Wednesday 9th

Year 12 & 13 Medics trip to Harefield Hospital 'Your Heart Hospital Meeting 2023'

Thursday 10th

Food Bank Collection

Open Morning

Friday 11th

Charity Day in aid of Project Bloom, Rennnie Grove and Parkinson's UK

Food Bank Collection

Free & Equal Ambassador Programme Training Day

Monday 14th

French Film Club 'J'adore ce que vous faites'

Wednesday 16th

'Restart a Heart' day

Thursday 17th

Year 13 Consultation Evening (Online)

Friday 18th

Junior Prizegiving

End of Half-Term

Monday 21st


Junior Football & Senior Hockey Tour to Holland (dep. 06:00/ret. 17:00)

Tuesday 22nd


Junior Football & Senior Hockey Tour to Holland (dep. 06:00/ret. 17:00)

Wednesday 23rd


Junior Football & Senior Hockey Tour to Holland (dep. 06:00/ret. 17:00)

Thursday 24th


Junior Football & Senior Hockey Tour to Holland (dep. 06:00/ret. 17:00)

Friday 25th


Junior Football & Senior Hockey Tour to Holland (dep. 06:00/ret. 17:00)

Monday 28th


Tuesday 29th


Wednesday 30th

Year 12/13 Geography visit to Iceland (dep. 07:30, ret. 14:00)


Thursday 31st

Year 12/13 Geography visit to Iceland (dep. 07:30, ret. 14:00)



Friday 1st

Year 12/13 Geography visit to Iceland (dep. 07:30, ret. 14:00)


Saturday 2nd

Year 12/13 Geography visit to Iceland (dep. 07:30, ret. 14:00)

Sunday 3rd

Year 12/13 Geography visit to Iceland (dep. 07:30, ret. 14:00)

Tuesday 5th

German Exchange - Online Parent & Student Information Evening

Thursday 7th

Junior Sri Lanka Cricket Tour 2026 Launch Evening

Monday 11th

Year 7 E-safety and iPad use information evening

Tuesday 12th

Year 12 Geography trip to East End & City

Wednesday 13th

Year 12 Physics A Level Science Live

A Level Drama (examined) Performances

Thursday 14th

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Year 10 Profile 1 issued

Year 7 Profile 1 issued

Senior Prizegiving

Friday 15th

Year 13 Medics Interview Course

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Joint Year 7 Disco with Dr Challoner's High (at DCGS)

Saturday 16th

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Sunday 17th

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Monday 18th

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

French Film Club 'La Vache'

Tuesday 19th

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Sixth Form Open Evening - Talk at 17:00 for current DCGS students; 18:00 for external applicants

Wednesday 20th

Year 12 ARTiculation Discovery Day 2024

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Year 12 Chemistry A Level Science Live

Year 10/11 Theatre Studies trip to 'The Play That Goes Wrong'

Thursday 21st

GCSE Language Speaking Mocks

Year 12 Biology A Level Science Live

Year 11 Report issued

Year 9 Profile 1 issued

Year 8 Parents at Challoner's Evening

Monday 25th

Parent Research Group (SRO)

Year 7 Parent/Tutor Consultation Evening (online)

Tuesday 26th

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Wednesday 27th

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Thursday 28th

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Friday 29th

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Saturday 30th

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)


Sunday 1st

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Monday 2nd

Year 12/13 A Level Politics Conference

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Year 12 & 13 Theatre Studies trip 'Immersive 1984'

Christmas Rush Hour Rock Concert

Tuesday 3rd

German Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Mock GCSE/A Level Art & Graphics Exams

Year 8 Author Event

Year 10 Parent Consultation Evening (in person)

Wednesday 4th

Mock GCSE/A Level Art & Graphics Exams

Charity Day in aid of Dasbait

Year 7 Author Event

Thursday 5th

Year 11 History trip to the National Archives, Kew

ABRSM Music Exams

Production of 'A Christmas Carol' for Year 8 Students

Medic Society

Saturday 7th

Friends of DCGS Christmas Fayre

Monday 9th

French Film Club 'Santa & Cie'

Tuesday 10th

Year 11 History trip to the National Archives, Kew

Year 7 & 8 Carol Service

Year 9 & 10 Carol Service

Wednesday 11th

Service of Lessons and Carols (MTA)

Thursday 12th

Year 12 Parent Consultation Evening (in person)

Friday 13th

Year 12/13 Music trip to Windsor Castle

Wednesday 18th

End of Term

Thursday 19th

Christmas Holidays

Friday 20th

Christmas Holidays

Monday 23rd

Christmas Holidays

Tuesday 24th

Christmas Holidays

Wednesday 25th

Christmas Holidays

Thursday 26th

Christmas Holidays

Friday 27th

Christmas Holidays

Monday 30th

Christmas Holidays

Tuesday 31st

Christmas Holidays

January 2025

Wednesday 1st

Christmas Holidays

Thursday 2nd

Christmas Holidays

Friday 3rd

Christmas Holidays

Monday 6th

Staff Training Day

Tuesday 7th

Term Starts

GCSE Mock Exams

Wednesday 8th

GCSE Mock Exams

Year 12 Biology Practical Assessment Day

Thursday 9th

GCSE Mock Exams

Friday 10th

GCSE Mock Exams

Year 14 Certificate & Reunion Evening

Monday 13th

GCSE Mock Exams

Friends of DCGS AGM

Tuesday 14th

GCSE Mock Exams

Wednesday 15th

GCSE Mock Exams

Year 12 English visit to 'The Merchant of Venice (1936)'

Thursday 16th

GCSE Mock Exams

Spanish Exchange - Parent & Student Information Evening (Online)

Friday 17th

GCSE Mock Exams

MUN Conference at Wycombe Abbey

Saturday 18th

MUN Conference at Wycombe Abbey

Monday 20th

GCSE Mock Exams

French Film Club 'Au plein air'

Tuesday 21st

GCSE Mock Exams

Year 8 Parent Consultation Evening (online)

Wednesday 22nd

GCSE Mock Exams

Thursday 23rd

Open Morning

Friday 24th

Year 10 GCSE Science Live

Monday 27th

Ski Trip 2025 - Parent and Student Information Evening

Tuesday 28th

Year 9 Geography to Stratford, London (Groups X, Y, Z)

Wednesday 29th

Year 10 Intermediate Maths Challenge

DofE Gold Expedition Training Day (BSH)

Year 9 Intermediate Maths Challenge

French Exchange - Parent & Student Information Evening (Online)

DofE Gold Expedition Parent Information Evening (BSH)

Thursday 30th

Year 9 Geography to Stratford, London (Groups U, V, W)

Year 9 Report issued


Monday 3rd

French Film Club 'L'etudiante et Monsieur Henri'

Tuesday 4th

Charity Day in aid of CharlieChargesOn

Lunchtime Recital ' *cancelled*

Online German Exchange (Hosting) - Parent & Student Information Evening

Wednesday 5th

Hosting French Exchange Students

DofE Bronze Expedition Training Day (BSH)

United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad (Years 12 & 13)

DofE Bronze Expedition Parent Information Evening (BSH)

Thursday 6th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Friday 7th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Friends of DCGS Quiz Night

Saturday 8th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Sunday 9th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Monday 10th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Year 11 Profile issued

Tuesday 11th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Late Transfer Testing

Year 11 Parent Consultation Evening (in person)

Wednesday 12th

Hosting French Exchange Students

Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Oxford Schools Debating Competition

Year 9 Battlefields visits Parent and Student Information Evening

Thursday 13th

Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

ARTiculation Heat 1

Guatamala 2026 Parent and Student Lanch Presentation (current Years 11 and 12)

Friday 14th

Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

End of Half-Term

Saturday 15th

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)

Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Sunday 16th

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)

Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Monday 17th

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)


Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Tuesday 18th

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)


Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Wednesday 19th

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)


Spanish Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Thursday 20th

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)


Friday 21st

Senior Biennial Ski Visit to Austria (Departure: 05:45 ; Return 13:30)


Monday 24th

A Level Mock Exams

Tuesday 25th

A Level Mock Exams

Wednesday 26th

A Level Mock Exams

Year 9 GCSE Options Evening (online)

Thursday 27th

Year 9 Battlefields Trip 1

Friday 28th

Year 9 Battlefields Trip 1


Saturday 1st

Year 9 Battlefields Trip 1

Battlefields Trip 1 (approx return)

Monday 3rd

A Level Mock Exams

Tuesday 4th

A Level Mock Exams

Wednesday 5th

A Level Mock Exams

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Thursday 6th

A Level Mock Exams

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Year 9 Parent Consultation Evening (online)

Friday 7th

Year 12 Geography London Fieldwork Investigation Day

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Friends of DCGS Cabaret Night

Saturday 8th

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Sunday 9th

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Monday 10th

Bucks Youth Summit 2025

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Tuesday 11th

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Lunchtime Recital

EPQ Exhibition

Wednesday 12th

Hosting German Exchange Students

French Exchange Visit (Yr 9 & 10)

Production of 'Romeo & Juliet' for Year 9 students

Thursday 13th

Hosting German Exchange Students

Year 9 Battlefields Trip 2

Open Morning

Battlefields Trip 2 (departure)

Year 12 Report issued

Year 7 Profile 2 issued

Apprenticeship Information Evening (Years 10-13)

Friday 14th

Hosting German Exchange Students

Year 9 Battlefields Trip 2

Charity Iftar Event

Saturday 15th

DofE Bronze Award Practice Expedition

Oxford Debating Finals 2025

Hosting German Exchange Students

Year 9 Battlefields Trip 2

Battlefields Trip 2 (approx return)

Sunday 16th

DofE Bronze Award Practice Expedition

Hosting German Exchange Students

'Footloose - The Musical' Rehearsals

Senior School Officials Selection Event

Monday 17th

German Exchange joint day trip to Oxford

Hosting German Exchange Students

Higher Education Evening for Year 12 Students & Parents

Tuesday 18th

Hosting German Exchange Students

Wednesday 19th

Hosting German Exchange Students

Thursday 20th

Charity Day

Year 9 Author Event - Will Hussey

Year 10 Profile 2 issued

Saturday 22nd

MUN Conference at Dr Challoner's High School

'Footloose - The Musical' Rehearsals

Sunday 23rd

'Footloose - The Musical' Rehearsals

Monday 24th

Year 12 RS Cambridge Study Day

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

'Footloose - The Musical' Dress Rehearsals

French Film Club 'Sur l'Adamant'

University Challenge: DCGS v Dr Challoner's High (at Dr Challoner's High School))

Tuesday 25th

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

Year 12 Oxbridge Evening (online)

Wednesday 26th

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

'Footloose the Musical'

Thursday 27th

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

Year 8 Profile 2 issued

'Footloose the Musical'

Friday 28th

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

'Footloose the Musical'

Saturday 29th

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

'Footloose the Musical'

Sunday 30th

Hosting Spanish Exchange Students

Monday 31st

Rush Hour Teatime Concert


Wednesday 2nd

GCSE Language Speaking Exams

Year 13 Report issued

Co-Ed Reunion

Thursday 3rd

GCSE Language Speaking Exams

Year 9 Activity Week Information Evening

Friday 4th

End of Term

Monday 7th

Easter Holidays

Tuesday 8th

Easter Holidays

Wednesday 9th

Easter Holidays

Thursday 10th

Easter Holidays

Friday 11th

Easter Holidays

Saturday 12th

Tabletop Gaming Club visit to 'Salute' Gaming Expo

Monday 14th

Easter Holidays

Tuesday 15th

Easter Holidays

Wednesday 16th

Easter Holidays

Thursday 17th

Easter Holidays

Friday 18th

Easter Holidays

Monday 21st

Easter Holidays

Tuesday 22nd

Staff Training Day

Wednesday 23rd

Start of Term

Year 10 Exams

GCSE Language Speaking Exams

Thursday 24th

Year 10 Exams

GCSE Language Speaking Exams

Friday 25th

Year 10 Exams

GCSE Language Speaking Exams

Saturday 26th

DofE Gold Practice Expedition

Sunday 27th

DofE Gold Practice Expedition

Choir visit to perform at Somerville College, Oxford

Monday 28th

Year 10 Exams

Tuesday 29th

Year 10 Exams

Wednesday 30th

Art & Graphics A Level Exams

Art & Graphics GCSE Exams

Year 10 Exams


Thursday 1st

Art & Graphics A Level Exams

Art & Graphics GCSE Exams

Year 10 Exams

Friday 2nd

Art & Graphics A Level Exams

Year 10 Exams

Year 11 study leave begins

Monday 5th

Bank Holiday

Tuesday 6th

Year 9 Exams

GCSE English Revision Morning

Lunchtime Recital

Wednesday 7th

Year 9 Exams

Year 12 study leave begins (return on 2 June)

Year 10 Geography Trip to Sicily - Parent and Student Information Evening

Thursday 8th


GCSE Exams until 18 June

Year 13 study leave begins

Friday 9th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Saturday 10th

DofE Bronze Award Qualifying Expedition

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Sunday 11th

DofE Bronze Award Qualifying Expedition

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Monday 12th

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 10 Geography: Fieldwork Day (Groups 3 & 4)

Tuesday 13th

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 10 Geography: Fieldwork Day (Groups 1, 2 & 5)

Wednesday 14th

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Thursday 15th

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 10 History trip to Berlin

Friday 16th

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 10 History trip to Berlin

Yr 9 Activity Week - Morocco (departs)

Saturday 17th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Year 10 History trip to Berlin

Yr 9 Activity Week - Ardeche (departs)

Sunday 18th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Monday 19th

Yr 9 Activity Week - Austria (departs)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Ullswater (departs)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Plas Y Brenin (departs)

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 8 Exams

Year 7 Exams

Yr 9 Activity Week - Calshot (departs)

Tuesday 20th

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 8 Exams

Year 7 Exams

Wednesday 21st

Yr 7 Actvity Week - Whipsnade Zoo

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Year 8 Exams

Thursday 22nd

Yr 8 Activity Week - Horseshoe Lake

Year 12 Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Yr 7 Activity Week - Bletchley Park

Friday 23rd

Year 12 Exams

Yr 10 Activity Week - Thorpe Park

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Yr 8 Activity Week - Science Museum

Yr 7 Activity Week - multi activity day (onsite)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Ardeche (returns)

End of Term

Yr 9 Activity Week - Calshot (returns)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Plas Y Brenin (returns)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Morocco (returns)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Ullswater (returns)

Yr 9 Activity Week - Austria (returns)

Monday 26th


Tuesday 27th


Wednesday 28th


Thursday 29th


Friday 30th



Monday 2nd

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Tuesday 3rd

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

DofE Gold Qualifying Expedition

Wednesday 4th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

DofE Gold Qualifying Expedition

Thursday 5th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Year 10 Geography trip to Sicily

A Level Exams until 20 June

DofE Gold Qualifying Expedition

Friday 6th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

Year 10 Geography trip to Sicily

A Level Exams until 20 June

DofE Gold Qualifying Expedition

Saturday 7th

Year 10 Geography trip to Sicily

DofE Gold Qualifying Expedition

Sunday 8th

Year 10 Geography trip to Sicily

Monday 9th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Tuesday 10th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Wednesday 11th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Thursday 12th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Friday 13th

Year 10 & 12 Art Exams

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Monday 16th

Year 11 Book Return

Year 12 Biology trip to Mop End

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Tuesday 17th

Year 12 Biology trip to Mop End

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Wednesday 18th

GCSE Exams until 18 June

A Level Exams until 20 June

Thursday 19th

Year 12 Physics trip to CERN

A Level Exams until 20 June

Friday 20th

Year 12 Physics trip to CERN

A Level Exams until 20 June

Charity Day

Joint Year 11 Prom with Challoner's High

Saturday 21st

Year 12 Physics trip to CERN

Monday 23rd

Year 12 Geography residential Magdalen

Year 8 HPV Vaccinations

Tuesday 24th

Year 12 Chalke Valley History Festival

Year 12 Geography residential Magdalen

MCC v First XI Cricket Match

Year 12 Profile 2 issued

Wednesday 25th

Year 12 Geography residential Magdalen

GCSE/A Level Exam Contingency Day

Thursday 26th

Year 12 Higher Education Conference


Year 8 Report issued

Year 10 Report issued

Friday 27th

Sixth Form External Applicants Induction Morning

Year 13 Leavers' Dinner

Monday 30th


Year 7 Parent Consultation Evening (in person)


Tuesday 1st

New Year 7 (Sept 2025) Welcome Day

New Year 7 (Sept 2025) Uniform Sizing Event

New Year 7 (Sept 2025) Parent Information Evening

Wednesday 2nd

Year 12 Art students to Royal Academy Summer Show

Thursday 3rd

Open Morning

Year 9 Art Trip to Tate Britain

Celebration of Sport Evening

Friday 4th

Year 12 Medics UCAT Course

Sunday 6th

Year 10 Art visit to Liverpool

Monday 7th

Year 10 Art visit to Liverpool

Tuesday 8th

Year 10 Art visit to Liverpool

Thursday 10th

Sports Day

Year 9 Profile 2 issued

Year 7 Report issued

Art & Graphics Exhibition

Tuesday 15th

GoApe, Black Park (7R)

Rock Club's 'Summertime Rock' concert

Wednesday 16th

Founder's Day Services - St Mary's Church)

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa - departure

Thursday 17th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Friday 18th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

End of Term

Saturday 19th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Sunday 20th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Monday 21st

Summer Holidays

Tuesday 22nd

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Wednesday 23rd

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Thursday 24th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Friday 25th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Saturday 26th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa

Sunday 27th

Senior Rugby and Football Tour to South Africa - arrival